
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

My Night of Preperation.

It's that time once again where I'm preparing for another event this weekend. This time however, I'm giving myself [practically] 3 days to get ready. Normally I give myself a day and a half, but I'm sick of stressing so I'm going to make this one smooth.

Luckily this crafting event if close by, so I won't have to worry about traveling too much, which in turn settles a tremendous amount of anxiety for me.

Yesterday I showed you a sneak peak into my newest "marketing" idea, helping my pieces to really "pop". How it will all turn out, I'm still unsure, but I'm hopeful that things will be awesome! Positive thinking right?

I took a break today from preparing to take my son to his little Kung Fu yellow sash test. I'm happy to announce that my little guy passed with flying colors and is happily a yellow sash!

With him tucked away in bed and slumbering away, I finished up a good portion of my items and even devised an idea on how to potentially downsize my display to a more suitable size. That will have to be laid out tomorrow, but the good news is I'll be ready to regardless.

I wish you all a wonderful night and I'll talk to you all tomorrow Jedi's! Keep on rockin' and may the force be with you all.

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