
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

DIY: Quick and Easy Bike Basket in 5 minutes!!!

As many of you may know, I fixed up my beach cruiser this past weekend for some cruising around town. One of the other reasons I fixed up my bike was to get a little bit of exercise, but just because it's for exercise doesn't mean it can't be cute right? 

I've always dreamed of having a little basket hanging from my bicycle, so instead of shoveling out some money to buy a metal one, I figured I'd make my own. Now, I'm only seeing this specific basket to be used for water bottles, maybe a small snack, my cell phone, and keys. Nothing heavy. I do, however, plan on buying a bike carrier and basket for the rear, that will be much sturdier for heavier things - i.e. groceries, backpacks, etc. 

Because I'm an avid DIY-er, I have a collection of baskets from family that knows I can always make use of them. Seeing as how I had this basket - which ended up being the perfect size I wanted - completely empty and available, I decided to use it for my bike!

In the end, I was left with a beautiful basket that was not only sturdy, but very efficient! The price tag? ABSOLUTELY FREE! That's right, you heard me FREEEEE! The best kind of DIY out there. How you ask? Oh, I plan on telling you all!

You'll need a good strong basket (Put 3 to 4 medium sized books inside of it and bounce them. If the basket stands strong, you're good to go!) and 2 belts that are also strong - rope and faux leather make for excellent "ties". You may also need a screwdriver, sharp knife, or drill to create a new hole if necessary. You can also use some Gorilla Glue to hold the belts in place for added precaution. Also have a pen handy for making small marks on the basket. Again, I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for extremely heavy items, but mine turned out really well. The basket and belts can both be found at thrift stores if you don't have any extras around. When I checked at Goodwill, the total price would've been $5 to purchase 2 belts and a basket. 

First step is to place the basket roughly where you'd like it to hang on the handlebars. Be sure to not use the very top edge as your attachment point. The more "strands" of basket you have within the belts, the better. 

Next, make small indications where you want your belts to loop through. 

Once that's complete, simply loop the belts through the basket on both sides. 

Then wrap the belt a few times around the handlebars, pulling with each loop. This will make for a very strong hold. 

Now that you have the basket tightly strapped, secure the belt by putting the tab through the hole. This is the part where you may have to create new holes if the tab doesn't reach it. 

After you've safely tightened and fastened the belts, you can cut off any excess belt and glue down the end of the belt to the wrapped belt portion. with Gorilla Glue. I weaved my ends through my basket at the bottom, in case I wanted to swap the basket out for whatever reason in the future. 

And there you have it, a really cute basket all your own! I made a liner out of left over fabric to place on the inside of the basket, to conceal my baskets handles. I think it turned out awesome!!! Best part is I didn't have to spend a dime!

Just goes to show you, you don't need to spend anything to create something efficient and beautiful!

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