
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Many Styles of a Frugal Mom.

Let me just start out by saying that I am in no way shape or form a fashionista. There are plenty of other mom's out there with far better style than myself. Regardless, I actually adore my style. No I'm not conceited - far from it actually - but I appreciate that my style accurately represents me. Every single piece of clothing I own has been hand selected over a large period of time, because it's suits me and was within my tight budget. Every piece of clothing is special, and while I do rid my closet of old loves, I do so in preparation for new ones. 

As a mom, I'm often struggling with the dilemma of "dress like I have my life completely handled perfectly" and "let's just drink coffee and watch Good Mythical Morning". I'll be honest, 99% of the time I choose YouTube with my son as our morning ritual over figuring our accessories, shoes, hair, makeup, and an outfit. I don't know how some of you ladies do it?! Especially you moms and dads! Because I'm a frugal and "I'll just throw this on" type of mom, I've slowly gathered clothing items to create very simple (and cheap) outfits that I can feel comfortable in and throw together without hesitation. So, to give you guys ideas on how to be comfortable without going outside in your pajamas - not to say that I haven't done that, because I totally have - I've decided to show you a week of outfits from yours truly. The prices for the Forever 21 and H&M clothing mentioned, can be found HERE. The prices for my newest thrift store purchases shown, can be found HERE. Without further ado, here's 7 days of me! 

Sunday: We went to church in the morning and the Farmer's Market afterwards for tacos, samples, a rubber duckie to add to our collection, and fresh produce. This calls for something light and airy, but nice enough for church. Yes, this green-haired, hippie, eclectic, single-mother goes to church. Will I preach my beliefs to you? No, because you have your beliefs for your own reasons, as do I. Moving on. My favorite outfit for Sunday's, usually consists of flowers and bright colors. This past Sunday I chose to go for a skirt (that I made myself, thank you very much), with a really pretty purple camisole. I used my yellow cardigan (you will see it in another photo) while I was in church, as I'm usually freezing. The skirt cost me $3, as it was a long skirt WAY to big for me. I just altered it to my liking and boom. A beautiful skirt. The shirt is a camisole found at Forever 21. They have a whole bunch of colors - I own a few - for extremely cheap. Also, you'll see throughout this post that 7/8 pictures feature my converse. They are extremely comfortable and that's what I'm all about! This also makes a great outfit for thrift store shopping, as trying on clothes with this is rather easy! This outfit reflects my "girly" side. 

Monday: We had a few errands to run including going to Costco, Target, and a local bookstore. Seeing as how I love Star Wars, needed to be warm but not hot, and hate jeans, I went for an outfit that consisted of my Star Wars t-shirt, my yellow cardigan (previously mentioned), leggings from Forever 21 (extremely cheap), and of course my converse. I feel like a simple cardigan or jacket paired with a really cool cartoon or graphic shirt, makes for an eclectic day. Since I've used that exact terminology to describe myself, I find it quite suiting. This outfit reflects my "nerd" side. 

Tuesday: My dad's birthday was being celebrated with a simple yet semi-casual dinner at a really cool buffet. Seeing as how we were celebrating a very special event, I chose to actually wear *gasp* jeans. I also decided to wear a fur vest (it was freaking cold in the buffet) that I made out of an old fur coat, a simple jean colored shirt over a white camisole from Forever 21, and my absolutely favorite Doc Marten boots. I got them for Christmas a few years ago and boy do I freaking love these beauties. They are comfortable, warm, and amazing! Granted they are expensive and time consuming to lace them up, hence why I only wear them for special events. Most fashionistas would consider them a "fall or winter accessory", but I'm a rule breaker. This outfit reflects my "fierce" side.  

Wednesday: Whenever my son and I decide to stay home, garden, go for a walk, or head to the park and play, I wear an outfit that I could literally sleep in. Like I said before, I don't like jeans. I do own a very select few (obviously), but I avoid at all cost and that includes jean-shorts as well. The shorts I chose for this day were a pair that I received as a gift. They are a lightweight material and very soft. The pattern on them as well is really cool and actually goes nicely with many shirts in my closet. Yay for awesome gifts! My main comfort shirts (on hot days) are "muscle shirts". I may not be a buff beef-cake, but that doesn't mean sleeves are required. My Bob Marley shirt is just one of the many I've cut the sleeves off of. They are "boys" shirts in X-Large, making the sleeves a bit awkwardly placed on me anyways. This one was purchased a LONG time ago on sale. I don't remember the exact price, but I do remember screeching with joy when I saw that they fit. This duo allows me to plop down for nap-time after playing at the park, without having to change into pajama pants. Which I wouldn't do anyways, because I don't like putting on clean clothes until I've showered. Tuesday also happens to be my "laundry day", so it's a win-win. My converse still made playing on the slides fun as heck! This outfit reflects my "badass mom" side. 

Thursday: My Uncle was in town and we decided to go exploring Balboa Park with a nice picnic. The shorts I used for this adventure were a pair I'd made out of men's trousers I purchased from a thrift store for super cheap. I absolutely love how they are big around the thighs (I'm not a huge fan of short-shorts) and fitting around the waist. I altered them to become high-wasted shorts with slight warmth. The dark green is a gorgeous color as well! I call these my lucky shorts, as they came with a wonderful gift of money hidden inside the pocket! To accent the beautiful green, I went with a really pretty burgundy colored shirt that I found at H&M. We also decided to go to the thrift store last minute (luckily they had changing rooms), so being comfortable made it much easier to go with the flow. Wearing the converse - once again - was also a relief, as I didn't have to worry about my feet! This outfit reflects my "old soul" side. 

Friday: To end the week and begin the weekend, we decided to have a full day of "what do you want to do". The way we go about this type of day is by sitting down and letting my son decide a few activities he'd like to do and a few activities I'd like to do. Then we combine them and make an entire adventure-filled day. It consisted of checking out the Disney Store Outlet, paying a visit to the pound, checking out Barnes and Nobles, playing at IKEA, and having ice-cream from Rite Aid. Since we were leaving in the morning and it was still a bit nippy, I went with my new romper and topped it with my new "robe". Both from the thrift store adventure I mentioned earlier. I absolutely adore the pattern and the colors worked perfectly together. I was so incredibly comfortable and warm. I really felt confident with this beautiful romper and still can't believe someone let these two pieces go! Of course I wore my converse. This outfit reflects my "modern hippie" side. 

Saturday: For the final day of this past week, we decided to do some grocery shopping and have lunch. I know, I know, I said I don't like jean shorts. It doesn't mean I don't own a pair. This just so happens to be my one and only pair. I couldn't resist them though, because they worked so nicely with my new flannel from the thrift store. The actually are very comfortable and I don't necessarily mind them. These shorts were found at H&M for a relatively good price, but it was worth it seeing as how I have never been able to find another pair quite as comfortable as these. I look a bit, western-like, but it's part of my personality. My converse have yet to disappoint me! This outfit reflects my "simple" side. 

Extra: You're probably thinking that my "fierce" side is as "fancy" as I get. Not quite. Whenever I have a really nice dinner (perhaps a wedding reception for example), I do get dressed up. That's right, I own a NICE dress. Two actually. For a party I attended back in December, I wore my dark purple dress with a nice cream coat (it's way to hot for me to put on right now). Yes, I wore my converse. To be fair, I actually wore heels to the ceremony, but the party mostly consisted of sitting down and eating. The pictures were waist up as well. So after politely asking the couple if they would mind, I wore my white sneakers with pride. Just because my body is dressed fabulously doesn't mean I have to be in pain!

And there you have it! Geeze I say that a lot. Although most of vocabulary and tone seems consistent throughout all my posts. All well, ce la vie! Hopefully this will inspire you to dress for YOU! Who cares if you're not "in style". If you're comfortable, happy, and love what you're wearing, that's all that matters. I'm not the coolest mom in the world and I certainly don't have a wardrobe that would make the fashion world proud, but I will say that I dress for myself. I like to express my moods and inner being with what I dress myself in. If you want to scream "I live like a boss!" and you do so by wearing the fanciest clothes you can find at the mall, you rock it! If you want to slightly yell "I'm in love with pink and kitties" and you do so by only wearing cat apparel and pink accents, you go for it! I commend all of you. The entire point is to just do you!!! So go out there are wear what makes you smile! I just choose to do so with many styles and frugally.

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