
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Big Dollar Haul and Target Products Review!

I will be the first to admit that I have a "dollar section/store" problem. You know how you go to Target and the first batch of awesomeness there to great you is all the magnificent stuff that's incredibly cheap? That's probably where I am. Either there or the actual Dollar Tree. Granted I'm not hanging out at Dollar Tree as much as I am the dollar section at Target, but I still go. Mostly because Target is closer to me and the quality seems to be a little bit better. There are still certain items I only (or more often than not) buy at Dollar Tree though. To give you an example, cards, balloons, frames, baskets, party supplies, sunglasses, etc. I will say though that Walmart is directly next to our Dollar Tree, so there is a bit of a competition there. 

Today our plans got cancelled, which left my son a little down in the dumps. To try and make it about him, I offered for him to check out Dollar Tree for a kite. He's been wanting to purchase one for a while and doing extra chores for some money. Immediately he jumped for joy and agreed. I must say that overall we had a pretty cool day. Our first stop was Dollar Tree, as promised. There we strolled through the store, really only looking for a kite. Of course that's never how it works with me. Once we found his kite, we kept strolling and kept adding things into our basket. Typical. Before deciding to officially check out, we did our usual "double check" where we second guess and rid of any unnecessary purchases. I ended up leaving 3 books behind - which I'm still second guessing - along with a few other items, to purchase a mug with a unicorn/rainbow on it (classic), a gift bag for the up-coming Father's Day, a dry erase board for my son to practice his alphabet, a balloon on a stick that says #1 (my son and his balloons) and of course the Iron Man kite that my son so proudly purchased himself. I will say I'm quite proud of this haul. I especially love my new unicorn mug!

After fast walking to the car with our purchases - I had already decided in my head that we were heading to Target - we drove off to make a few additional purchases. Purchases that are correlating with today's blog topic. 

Previously I had noticed these mini binders, inserts, and a few other organizing accessories, being sold in the Target dollar section. I had held off on buying them, as I had a - very dull - planner at home already. I just wasn't sure when the months ended, so I didn't buy the beloved semi-DIY planner...yet. After realizing that my planner actually ended this month, I knew what had to be done. I was to throw away that black, old, dingy, cheap planner and spice up my life with a rockin' mint green one! Side note: You will notice throughout this entire haul that I have a serious addiction to the colors mint green, turquoise, aqua, sea green, and all colors corresponding with those mentioned. In fact, you'll notice that through my entire blog, including the header. Moving on. 

I scoured through the piles of stuff to find what I needed and squealed with such delight. A few of the items I had purchased were the last of their kind. Muahahaha. We of course walked around Target like normal, but didn't buy anything other than items I had found in the beginning. Not only did I buy a mini-binder ($3), 2 planner sets ($3 each), a planner accessories pack ($3), a magnetized note pad ($1), a miniature desktop note pad with pen ($1), a pack of pencils (all with neat little saying inscribed on them, $1), and page sticky flags ($1), but I also a small Caribbean Blue "Creamcoat" paint ($1) and 2 popcorn containers ($1 each). What was the main color scheme? Well...just look at the pictures. I told you I was addicted!

As soon as I got home, I took pictures (I ended up removing the magnetized notepad, miniature desktop notepad/pen duo, and pencils out of their plastic wrap. I couldn't help myself) and then put together my little binder. I haven't quite figured out the exact order I specifically want them in and had decided to thoroughly inspect all of my items, to inspect for quality and quantity.  I admit, I was impressed. 

In the first planner set, I received 2 pocket dividers, 40 sheets of "note" paper (black/white) and 40 "time" sheets (peach/white). The pocket dividers are very sturdy and adorable. The print was really pretty and the paper was actually a paper worth writing on. Unlike those really cheap papers you find that rip with minor pressure of an eraser, these are sturdy, colorful, and very well made. 

The second planner set came with 78 weekly pages (seafoam green/white), 18 monthly pages (peach/white), and 6 dividers with different gold patterns on each of them. The dividers are just as sturdy as the pocket dividers and the gold is a shiny gold, not dull. The paper is of the same quality as well and just as beautiful. Target really did a good job at combining the color schemes to match, regardless the packs and binder you choose. (They had different options).

The binder was a firm and strong binder. The clips are also strong, holding everything in place with a tight grip. I don't like those binders where the clips don't touch or easily come apart, ripping your papers as you turn them. This binder is not only a magnificent color with an area to label on the side, but it's well put together. Again, well done Target. You have me sold.

The other accessories and notepads are beyond beautiful in my opinion. I will say that a few stickers from the accessories pack were bent - last pack - so they didn't stick as well, but they are still beautiful. I simply applied a little glue to the back and they set nicely. It only affected 3 of the stickers, so not a big problem at all. What I also like about the accessories pack, was that all 3 sections (sticky notes, paper notes, and stickers) came with holes punched on the side, allowing you to directly insert them into your mini binder. They know me so well. The page flags unfortunately didn't come with that option, but I added a small piece of tape to the back of it's cardboard and stuck in on the front inside of the binder. Worked great.

The pencils are actually easy to sharpen (yes I sharpened one and it kind of broke my heart) and write quite smoothly. The pen from the desktop notepad/pen duo, is a bit harsh, but still works fine. I'm not a huge fan of how it feels in my hand either. Almost like if I squeeze too hard it will break, because it's of a cheaper material, but it works. Plus its adorable. So I'm keeping it. 

The paint is miraculous, but I already knew that as I had previously purchased this exact paint from this exact Target recently. I just loved it so much I had to have more of it. I'm still trying to contain myself from painting everything this beautiful blue. Moderation is definitely key. This paint is true to the bottles color. It holds not secrets. You can do one coat, but you may still see remnants from whatever you're painting. I often do two and it works beautifully. This paint also is true to it's label "Creamcoat", as it's creamy in consistency. Extremely easy to work with.  

The popcorn containers are more because I don't want to hear the crunching of a popcorn bag in the middle of a movie. My son and I have movie night every week at home. I can't begin to tell you how many times I've had to rewind a certain part, because we just can't hear it over the bag. We've tried using big bowls, but because my son loves to sit in one particular chair and I sit on the couch, we're constantly passing it back and forth. Also, I don't like using my regular bowls for popcorn. As you can see I have my reasons for wanting one. Plus it's my favorite color, so there. I bought them. They work perfectly and allow for tons of popcorn (my son won't get filled up, just half way). Just don't put them in the dishwasher and you'll be good to go! Plus they were $1.

I gotta say, this was a really cool score. I have a gorgeous planner ready to be filled with my daily goals, two popcorn containers ready for this weekend, paint to add to my paint collection, and an awesome cup. Pretty good Thursday if I do say so myself! I totally recommend checking out your local Target's dollar section, especially if you're in the market for a personalized planner! 

An added tip: Instead of re-purchasing more and more binder insert pages, I plan on making copies of each one as needed in color. That way I can easily cut and re-create! I'll update when I've actually done it, to show you guys how it turned out!

Have a wonderful night and a fantastic Friday! Don't forget, tomorrow is Food Challenge Friday and I'll be tackling the letter "E"! Check back tomorrow night for the details and to see what I conjure up!

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