
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Givin' You the Dirt!

Wow. Logging into blogspot is both nostalgic and terrifying at the same time. The amount that's changed since my last post is...well...too much to type into one post - but we all know I 'talk' A LOT so I'm sure you'll all be caught up in time :P This isn't to say I'll be back to posting EVERYDAY, but hey, maybe I'll start with once a week? Enough happens in a week that I could easily keep up with that, but again, no promises. Life does tend to get a teensy bit nuts 'round here!

Today though, I thought I'd tell you guys a story that's been on-going and has a recent development. Basically, I have some crazy neighbors.

Now, to give you guys a better idea on what's been going on, I have to give you all some preface to the situation that played out today.

So the last few months our apartment complex has gone through quite a few changes. From having our rent raised almost every six months - California is sooooo fun - to having new neighbors left and right, we've tried our best to keep to ourselves. Well, when these newest neighbors moved in, I could SMELL the confrontational vibe. They call me an empath and I can sense your style, attitude, persona, and energy. Whether you believe in empath's or not is irrelevant, my point is I knew these people were going to be trouble.

So a few months ago a brother and sister came to see the recently vacant (and newly renovated) apartment that had recently become available. The very next day, they moved in. The following day, they went and bought the same patio set I have and the same patio lights I have, and set everything up in the exact same style that I had.

Weird. Kinda annoying.

The next day when I'm trying to enjoy a nice cup of coffee early in the morning, the sister bee-lines it for me, walks up my steps (they don't go anywhere but my front door), and introduces herself. Being half asleep, I simply said 'sup'.

Fast forward to about a week later.

It's brought to my attention that the sister has apparently used my foldable table that was in the storage room downstairs, so I go to check things out. To my surprise, all my stuff was sprawled out on the floor in the storage room and my desk was broken. THAT upset me the most, because it was a desk I was saving for my son when he got a liiiiittle older. NOT ANYMORE.

Granted, I could've handled this whole situation differently and I should've taken a second to breath, but I blurted out, 'umm, what are you doing with my table....'

She proceeded - with all her male friends that were watching her put this table back - to tell me it was her table, she could prove it, and I snapped back with 'so can I'.

We went our separate ways, I then received a call that my mother-in-law (yup, I have one of those now, but not married just in a serious relationship) actually has my table....which is the EXACT SAME TABLE AS HERS. Greaaaat.

The day after our confrontation, I approached her with an apology and a picture showing the table was the same exact one I had and that I didn't know she even had my table. I then went on the say I should've gone about it differently but I simply snapped seeing my desk broken. She called me 'crazy' and said I needed 'mental help'. It was wonderful (please read that with sarcasm coming out your ass).

From that point on, I avoided her. Until another elder neighbor from the complex next door asked if I could tell her to stop feeding his cat and stop putting his cat in her house. So now this chick is catnapping this poor guys cat during the day and he can't walk up the stairs to tell her to stop. Lovely. On top of it all, she has a stalker who cases our apartment complex BECAUSE she's temporarily catnapping the cat. Ugh.

When I see her the next day, I relayed the message, told her she could talk to the owner, and that she had a stalker. She seemed frightened but all in all, she complied with no longer taking someone else's cat. Especially when she angrily found out I had a camera facing my front door - which faces everyone on my floor's front door - showing that she was indeed taking this guys cat.

Now. Fast forward to recent time.

After making amends, things were seemingly cordial. They ended up jumping on the bandwagon of plants-

Oh yeah. I've become a plant mom with a patio garden AND an indoor rainforest. And I love it. But I'll share more about that later.

A few of the other neighbors wanted to try and do a communal garden and the crazy neighbors (brother and sister, this is their nickname) opted for building the planter. Once the planter was made, it started the waiting game for the brother to drill holes in the bottom so we could actually use it (you need drainage). So far, nada. Besides that communication, nothing has really taken place. I've given them a few flower arrangements I made, said the nonchalant 'hi', and that's pretty much the extent of our neighborly relationship with them. Until today.

So this morning, my human (aka boyfriend) is heading to work when out of nowhere the crazy neighbor brother decided to confront him for whatever reason. Telling him 'come on bro, let's talk about this bro, come on!!!'. Someone had their Wheaties this morning I guess.

Shortly after his sister came downstairs and decided to check on him, only to have him start arguing with a passerby just trying to walk her dog.

Eventually the sister returned to her apartment and the brother continued to the rain...with no jacket...doing God know what.

Later he went back upstairs and leaves about 2 minutes later in his car, jacket on.

It's been about 7 hours or so and he's back. Sister's gone - left with her kiddo around noonish - and he's still talking to no one in the streets, pacing up and down the stairs, and staring at unit.

Gotta love feeling trapped inside because your neighbor is going psycho :) It's amazing.

I'm almost positive he ended up leaving again, but I'm not going outside to find out. Instead, I'll be sitting in my apartment toasty warm on this rainy day, sipping some hot coffee, and taking a few breaks to propagate some plant babies. I'll let the crazy do his thing without any additional attention.

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